Monday, February 23, 2009

Architecture in Japan


We travel the world through architecture. In this series of TASCHEN Philip Jodidio delivers a different view of architecture in the world, the trends from country to country. Each book illustrates the work of 15 to 20 architects-from the young to the consolidated analyzing their contribution to the architecture of the newest country in question. There are plenty of contact information or description of your past orders. The interesting thing is that this series is a tribute to the architectural character, full of nuances of each country. Japanese architecture has overcome the difficulties it encountered in its day to find the proper link between tradition and modernity internationally. Today, a large part of Japanese architecture has found such a link between past, present and future, regardless of many Western architects. With the help of a construction industry that produces high quality materials such as aluminum and concrete, Japan is a power to be taken seriously in the field of contemporary architecture.


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