An Anarchist FAQ
FAQ stands for “Frequently Asked Questions” and An Anarchist FAQ is a collection of answers to questions related to anarchism, hosted in different places on the Internet. Its aim is to present what anarchism really stands for and indicate why you should become an anarchist. It is produced by a small collective of people who work on the FAQ when they can (mostly in their free time, after work). They are not a corporate funded think-tank or full-time members of a party apparatus.
An Anarchist FAQ is due to be published by AK Press (www.akpress.org) later in 2008. Volume one (sections A to F, plus the introductions and appendix on the symbols of anarchy) is now ready for publication.
There are 10 sections (A through J). These are: A) What is anarchism?; B) Why do anarchists oppose the current system?; C) What are the myths of capitalist economics?; D) How does statism and capitalism affect society?; E) What do anarchists think causes ecological problems?; F) Is “anarcho”-capitalism a type of anarchism?; G) Is individualist anarchism capitalistic?; H) Why do anarchists oppose state socialism?; I) What would an anarchist society look like?; J) What do anarchists do?. There are also four appendices, and a bibliography.
Here are some samples of what you can find in this comprehensive FAQ:
A) What does anarchism stand for?
“... anarchists consider it essential to create a society based on three principles: liberty, equality and solidarity. These principles are shared by all anarchists.”
A) What is the essence of anarchism?
“Anarchists are anti-authoritarians because they believe that no human being should dominate another. ”
J) What is direct action?
“... in a nutshell, direct action is any form of activity which people themselves decide upon and organise themselves which is based on their own collective strength and does not involve getting intermediates to act for them ... It is clear that by acting for yourself you are expressing the ability to govern yourself. Thus it’s a means by which people can take control of their own lives. It is a means of self-empowerment and self-liberation ...”
J) Why is social struggle a good sign?
“... it shows that people are unhappy with the existing society and, more importantly, are trying to change at least some part of it. It suggests that certain parts of the population have reflected on their situation and, potentially at least, seen that by their own actions they can influence and change it for the better.”
* Paperback: 2604 pages
* Publisher: AK Press (April 1, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1902593901
* ISBN-13: 978-1902593906
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