Monday, November 24, 2008

Kaplan TOEFL iBT with CD-ROM 2005-2006 Edition/+Book + Audio

From the creators of the #1 TOEFL course… TOEFL® iBT Exam is Kaplan’s comprehensive guide to preparing for the TOEFL internet-Based Test. This bestseller includes a CD with both an audio and iBT component, Kaplan’s exclusive test-taking strategies, and in-depth practice and review for every section of the TOEFL. TOEFL® iBT Exam is the most realistic preparation available for the exam.


* Full-length diagnostic testing to identify your strong and weak areas.

* 4 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations for every answer.

* Hundreds of realistic practice questions.In-depth review of listening comprehension, grammar, reading, and writing.

* Effective test-taking strategies to help you maximize your score on every section of the test.

* CD audio component includes 7 academic lectures and 87 conversations for listening comprehension, plus diagnostic test listening comprehension review.

* CD internet-based test component includes 4 full-length tests with score analysis; sample questions; detailed answers; strategies for listening, structure, reading, and writing.

Download This Book: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

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