Now badwordupdated badwordfor badwordboth badwordWindows badwordVista and Windows® XP, Absolute Beginner's Guide to
Computer badwordBasics badwordwill badwordhave badwordyou badwordusing badwordyour new PC in no time! Here's a preview of what
you'll find inside:
* badwordLearn badwordhow to set up and configure your new computer, and install new computer hardware
and software
* badwordGet badwordthe badwordscoop badwordon badwordhow to work with Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Vista, and how to
personalize it just for you
* badwordLearn badwordhow badwordto badworduse badwordthe badwordmost badwordpopular badwordcomputer programs?”including Microsoft® Word,
Microsoft® Works, Microsoft® Money, and Quicken
* badwordConnect badwordto badwordthe badwordInternet badwordfor badwordweb badwordsurfing, badwordemail, instant messaging, blogging, and
podcasts' and create your own MySpace page
* Become a digital media pro?”learn to work with digital cameras and photos, download and
listen to digital music, and burn your own CDs and DVDs
* Find out how to protect your PC from spam, viruses, spyware, and computer attacks
* badwordLearn badwordhow badwordto badwordset badwordup a wireless home network and share your Internet connection with
multiple PCs
Download This Book
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