Thursday, January 15, 2009

SitePoint - CSS The ultimate Resource feb 2008


Have you ever thought about what a web page is? I mean, what it really is? Some
people think of a web page as a visual medium—an aesthetically pleasing experience
which may or may not contain information that’s of interest to the viewer. Other
people think of a web page as a document that may be presented to readers in an
aesthetically pleasing way. From a technical point of view, the document
interpretation is more appropriate.
When we examine the elements of its construction, a web document can consist of
up to three layers—content, presentation, and behavior—as illustrated in Figure
The content layer is always present. It comprises the information the author wishes
to convey to his or her audience, and is embedded within HTML or XHTML markup
that defines its structure and semantics. Most of the content on the Web today is
text, but content can also be provided through images, animations, sound, video,
and whatever else an author wants to publish.

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